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ZENA® NO-Gastm Arc Cutting Rods
Use Your Arc Welder to Cut, Gouge, Chamfer, or Bevel!


Now you can forget about:

the time consuming process of grinding away old welds and/or grinding a bevel for re-welding,

needing (and having to cart around) an oxyacetylene rig to cut metal in the field, or

having to invest big bucks in an air-arc cutting equipment (or worrying about starting fires when using it out doors).

ZENA NO-Gas arc cutting/gouging rods let you gouge, bevel, and cut metal without needing a 300+ Amp air-arc gouging/cutting rig or an acetylene cutting torch and bulky gas bottles.

We can't convert your electrode holder to a plasma torch/plasma cutter but, for field maintenance work, these rods are the next best thing to having an oxyacetylene rig, air arc system, or a powerful plasma cutter with you in the field!


Air or gas free metal working electrode -- for expedient and economical grooving, beveling, chamfering, and gouging without any special equipment.

Replaces a cutting torch.

Reactionary flux coating creates high level arc blast and forms an electrically conductive "cup" for ease of arc re-strike.

Multiple rod diameters available to allow you a high degree of control over the cutting process -- and to allow use of our cutting rods with small or large arc welders.

Current Type/Polarity:

AC or DC straight polarity (Negative electrode)

Rod Diameters:

3/32" (24 rods/lb.)

1/8" (14 rods/lb)

5/32" (9 rods/lb.)

Recommended Amperage:

Rod Diameter


3/32" (2.3mm)


1/8" (3.25mm)

5/32" (4.00mm)

Minimum Amperage






Maximum Amperage






Gouging Rate:

Rod Diameter


Rod Length


Length of Gouge per Second


Weight of Gouged Metal per Min.


Amperage Setting


3/32" (2.3mm)


14" (350mm)


1.6" (064mm)


35 g




1/8" (3.25mm)


14" (350mm)


1.2" (048mm)


100 g




5/32" (4.00mm)


14" (350mm)


1.0" (040mm)


120 g



Product Features:

Fastest, most economical method of removing unwanted metal.

Uses a common arc welding machine.

Saves hours of grinding and machining time.

Typical Applications:

Cut and groove all metals including stainless steel, aluminum, cast iron, and copper

Metal cutting / gouging / piercing / removal

Removing bolts/plow bolts

Sheet cutting and fabrication

Dismantling welded structures such as towers, sign supports, and pipe piles

Blowing out rivets

Removing old weld overlays on railroad frogs, crossovers, and switches

Preparing work hardened or heat treated dies for welding

Recommended Cutting / Gouging Techniques:

No special equipment required. Cutting can be performed Flat, Vertical Up, Vertical Down, Horizontal, or Overhead.

Use AC or DC straight polarity.

The electrode is pointed in the direction of travel, angled at a ten (10) degree angle, and the arc is initiated.

For a shallow chamfer, the electrode is moved quickly along line of cut. A slower or weaving motion provides a deeper groove. The molten metal is pushed ahead as the chamfer is made. For cutting use a "sawing action". For deeper grooves, the procedure is repeated until the desired depth is achieved.

Remove slag by chipping and brushing.


3/32" 1/2 lb. box (12 rods)

1/8" 1/2 lb. box (7 rods)

5/32" 1/2 lb. box (5 rods)

Larger packs/quantities and other rod sizes available as special order items.


Check our Product Specifications Section or our Online Store, Welding Supplies Section for current pricing or call our order desk (toll free) at 877- ZENA INC (weekdays from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM CST).

® ZENA is a registered trademark owned by ZENA, Inc. for its welding systems and related products.
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