Dear ZENA welder owner, You own the best mobile welder in the world. A product which, performs so well and with such efficiency, that we believe that it is unlikely to ever become technologically obsolete. Therefore, we don't plan to sell you a "new and improved" welder next year. We build them to last and to work hard. And, we want your new ZENA welding system to be the last mobile welder that you have to purchase. Our half-price flat-rate rebuilding policy is designed to protect your long term investment in us and in our technology. Unlike an extended warranty, it cost's you nothing up-front. Yet it serves to protect you from product obsolescence and insures that you can economically maintain your welder in tip top condition regardless of its age, and without concern as to the reason for its need for repair. To put is another way, even if your pet elephant steps on your welder, or if your dog eats your cables, you're protected! It's simple, we will completely rebuild (or replace) any welder or welder component that we manufacture (including the power generator), anytime, for one-half the then current direct-sale price of a brand new unit plus postage! Thank you for your support. Sincerely,
© Copyright 1999, 2000 by ZENA, Incorporated. All rights reserved.